What We Do
Young people who emigrate from other countries and those that come to the United Kingdom as students face issues and challenges whilst transitioning from their home countries and when integrating into British society and into the education system. These challenges are exacerbated by the lack of family support far away from home, the social and cultural differences they experience, as well as issues of racism particularly against black and minority ethnic people in society.
Regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds, many face racial, cultural, and social issues, including negative representations of their countries of origin which shapes how they are regarded in society. Many also are unable to successfully access economic and social opportunities.
Our Theory of Change elaborates on how we will achieve our intended impact. Our focus is to provide the information, support, and programmes needed by young people in our target communities, enabling them to transition and integrate into their environments successfully and assisting them to access social and economic opportunities they need to thrive.
Learn More About What We Do
At IntegrateYouth UK, our programs and advisory services are designed to support the youth, students, parents, schools and organisations with the resources, skills, networks, and opportunities to address some of these challenges.
We also want to celebrate the diversity and talents the youth bring to the British society and enable them to flourish.

Support students, parents and schools with culture transition and integration.
Provide pre-arrival and transition programmes.
Build Friendship Networks to connect and leverage relationships.
Provide mentoring programs that are culturally sensitive.
Link young people to platforms and experts for youth coaching, career counselling & development and work opportunities.
Assist organisations to design, deliver and operationalise Youth Advisory Boards/Groups factoring diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Assist schools to design induction programmes for international students.
Advice schools on relevant diversity, equity, and inclusion matters.

Support youth, parents, and schools in exploring mental health issues taking into consideration cultural and social differences.
Engage young people in conversations about mental health and emotional wellbeing and coping strategies as they transition and integrate.
Connect youth, parents, and schools to experts and platforms for further support.
Connect young people and students to homestay families factoring culture, experience, interests, and location.